An exclusive destination for the truest of all true luxury bag connoisseurs. We shop way too much but hey, we have the best collection to show for it! Get obsessed about the next bag, and the next bag after that!
We believe in a world where shopping and researching is FUN
Know what to expect from a bag, visualize color combinations you never knew existed, track at all times where and how much worldwide your unicorn might be – join our VIP subscription today.
Ban Island exists for the love of luxury handbags and fashion. We believe finding your next trophy handbag should be a seamless experience that has you craving the next hunt.
We're a diverse team of experienced entrepreneurs solving a problem 65m+ luxury shoppers have. If you are an expert in your domain, love bags, and are interested in the problem we're solving, send us a message. We'd love to hear from you!
We have devoted 5+ years of our lives at our last startup, Discover Therapies, connecting chronically ill patients with clinical trials so they can get access to the best possible researchers and breakthrough treatments.
Since the sale of that company, the fight hasn't stopped. Partial proceeds of Ban Island subscriptions will be donated to pediatric cancer research organizations worldwide to keep supporting and funding important research.
We chose pediatric cancer research as we are parents of two little girls and one of our relatives is fighting cancer at the age of six.
Thank you so much for joining our community, we hope we've made shopping FUN again for you.
Ban Island Crew