How to buy the Hermès Picotin?
Relative to the Hermès Birkin and Kelly bags, the process of buying the Picotin Lock is very simple and straightforward. With no extensive wait list, this tote bag is usually available in-store at a Hermès boutique near you. For those that prefer online shopping, both the Picotin Lock 18 PM and the Picotin Lock 22 MM are occasionally available on the Hermès website, or can be purchased from second-hand online marketplaces such as Rebag and Vestiaire Collective.
Is the Hermès Picotin discontinued?
Contrary to what some might think, the Hermès Picotin Lock is not discontinued. Available both in-store and periodically online, this minimalist tote bag is ready for purchase whenever you are.
Is the Hermès Picotin hard to get?
Depending on the country, the Hermès Picotin Lock is subject to different levels of national supply and public demand: this tote bag is very popular amongst those living in the Asia, specifically the Middle East. Consequently, the Hermès Picotin may be hard to get your hands on in Asia, reducing the supply of Picotins in the United States and United Kingdom as many tourists who cannot purchase the bag in their home country buy the bag abroad.